22nd January 2025

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What does a Neighbourhood Development Plan cover?

A Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) sets out a vision for our parish - including policies for the use and development of land. They help to guide development, not prevent it, and cover local issues rather than strategic ones. NDPs set out guidance for developments to existing buildings as well as new ones. The community also has a voice in protecting sensitive or listed buildings. The NDP will identify community assets such as playing fields, footpaths, ridge and furrow fields, and wildlife corridors. It also includes policies relating to larger issues such as mitigation of climate change and environmental degradation.

The revised NDP includes a vision for Houghton over the period 2025-2041 and objectives, planning policies, and proposals for guiding changes over that period. Key sites for specific kinds of development are allocated. A wide range of social, economic and environmental issues (such as housing, employment, design, heritage and transport) are addressed.

A neighbourhood plan cannot promote less development than that identified in the Harborough Local Plan (HLP) for the local area (such as new housing allocations). It can specify policies and guidance on how new development should be designed, orientated and located.

The revised NDP will consist of two linked documents: the NDP itself and the new Village Design Guide and Codes (VDG&C). The latter provides guidance for developers and those proposing alterations. Once reviewed by the community and an independent examiner, and accepted by residents at referendum, both documents will be used by Harborough District Council as a legal commitment, compatible with the HLP. This means that all future applications for planning must take account of all these documents. Together they give our community a voice in influencing the location, design and type of future developments in the village.

A neighbourhood plan must meet certain specified basic conditions. These ensure plans contribute to the achievement of sustainable development, have regard to national policy and guidance and are in general conformity with adopted strategic local planning policies.

Last updated: Mon, 04 Nov 2024 12:01