28th January 2025

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Terms of Reference

Paragraph 5 of the adopted Neighbourhood Plan (2017-2031) acknowledges the likelihood of that plan needing to be reviewed: "The completed plan is only useful if the policies within it are periodically reviewed and their results monitored. This process is the responsibility of the Parish Council. Periodic review is expected to take place at least every 5 years." The current plan was written in December 2017.

It is anticipated that a comprehensive review, analysis and preparation of an updated Neighbourhood Plan could take up to 2 years to complete. As with the preparation of the adopted Neighbourhood Plan, it is proposed that the Parish Council appoints a Working Party made up of volunteers to assist with the task, drawn from different parts of the village and engaged in a variety of interests.

Formal approval and support of the Parish Council for this work to be undertaken is hereby requested in line with the draft constitution and terms of reference set out below for consideration by the PC.

It is acknowledged that the Council will retain responsibility for all the formal processes in following the required process as required by the localism legislation but may delegate to the Group specific tasks in addition to the preparation of a draft updated plan.

Neighbourhood Planning Working Party Constitution

1 The Neighbourhood Plan Working Party (NPWP) is constituted as a Working Party (WP) of Houghton Parish Council.

2 The WP will include all Parish Councillors.

3 The WP will comprise no less than 10 members of the village. These members will be volunteers. In the event of the membership decreasing to less than 10, then the WP will by decision of the PC, be:

a) suspended until it can reform and enlarge, or

b) requested to continue albeit with a smaller number, or

c) be closed down,

4 The PC may consider payment of reasonable expenses to the WP or its members, if claimed in writing with receipts, and subject to the expenses policy currently in force for councillors.

5 Members of the WP, being volunteers, will by completing the appropriate documentation, be covered by the Parish Council Volunteer Insurance policy when operating on its behalf.

Terms of Reference

1. The WP will engage in a review of the referendum version of the adopted Houghton Neighbourhood Plan (2017 to 2031) dated December 2017 (NP).

2. The review will consider amongst other matters:

a) The HDC Local Plan 2011 to 2031 (adopted 30 April 2019 i.e. after the Houghton NP was made), including the current situation regarding the proposed golf course, (sited partly within the eastern boundaries of Houghton NP area), and any potential impact on the NP policies

b) The likely development of the Houghton Community over at least the next 15 years in terms of population, services and other facilities,

c) National legislation and data sources, both current and in prospect, which might impact on the NP.

d) The extent and location of reserve sites for future developments (Note a new "Call for sites" exercise is planned to be undertaken by HDC during 2021 the results of which will be relevant)

e) The effectiveness of the adopted NP in planning decisions. Have policies been effective in shaping HDC planning decisions and if not why not? If not achieving the desired effect this may indicate the need for re-drafting (and where re-drafting might best be undertaken) or the addition of new policies to strengthen the effectiveness.

f) The non-planning sections within the NP to be reviewed to ascertain progress and if changes/improvements are desirable,

g) Take advice and guidance from HDC as to whether the changes proposed to the updated NP are so material as to require the revised plan to be subjected to referendum (independent examiner will also influence this)

3. It will seek to liaise with all stakeholders that might have an interest in the plan, both within the village, but also in neighbouring parishes and with the District and County Authorities.

4. The WP will meet nominally at monthly intervals (subject to COVID-19 permissions) and submit a written report of its progress to the following PC meeting.

5. The operation of the WP will be widely publicised to the community and encourage community contributions and feedback. To facilitate this, it will engage in any combination of the following actions:

a) create a webpage within the PC website and keep this current with information about its meetings and its progress.

b) write articles as appropriate for Houghton News

c) post updates on the local Facebook pages

d) Hold public meetings (subject to COVID-19 permissions)

e) Distribute leaflets and/or questionnaires to the village community.

6. The WP will have completed its primary activity by delivering an updated Neighbourhood Plan document, which has passed the assessment stages required, i.e. by HDC, by an external assessor and, if necessary, by referendum of the village community.

7. Beyond the production of the updated NP, there will continue to be a need for regular updating and revision of the plan. The PC may re-constitute the group as required for these purposes.

Last updated: Mon, 04 Nov 2024 12:07