General Introduction
Following a community referendum in 2018, the current Neighbourhood Development Plan was officially declared as "made" by Harborough District Council in April 2018. At that time several developers had planning permission for housing developments around the village. These were all delivered by the end of 2023, increasing the number of dwellings in Houghton to just under 800 with the community population rising towards 2000.
With the continuing increase in the national population there is, and will likely continue to be, pressure for more housing throughout the country. Under national planning law Houghton will be expected to provide some share of this. Thus, it is likely that Houghton will continue to grow. The only way the community can influence how this happens is through having its own up to date Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP). Also the Covid Pandemic has brought changes to our community and the way we lead our lives such as more homeworking, involvement in community activities, shopping habits.
Houghton Parish Council formed a Working Party in 2021 to review the current NDP, and research and consult on a revised version. The information on this website demonstrates the activities taking place in the review process.
The structure of these webpages is designed to help you find information about the NDP. If you have comments or questions about the website and its contents, please email these to the Parish Clerk at
To find out more of the details of the process please go back and view the other pages.